Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bolt Bus

I'm not quite sure I can handle what's going on right now.

This time around, I took Bolt Bus to NYC instead of MegaBus. I am sitting in leather seats, with a lot more leg room, and wireless internet (as well as an outlet for my old school laptop with no battery to plug into). There's less people on this bus and everyone is quiet and just doing their thing.

I was impressed with MegaBus because I made it to NYC for $1 without dying. And without getting my stuff stolen/my body sold on the black market. Bolt Bus has just blown up any sort of expectations I had about bus riding.

With MegaBus, we stopped outside Baltimore to pick up more people. According to the website, since this is more than a 3 hour trip, we'll be stopping... at a fancy rest stop where we can buy things/use a real bathroom. I hope it is Maryland House. Our bus driver also likes to talk to us over the intercom. He has a very smooth and chocolate-y voice. If a fudge brownie drizzled with dark chocolate could have a smooth and creamy real-life voice, it would be this man's.

Note: I did not take that picture. I DID take pictures of the inside, but this creepy man thought I was taking a picture of him and got up and moved.

Second note: Oh, I finished packing... but it's a horrible unplanned mass of uselessness. Example - I packed a sweater. But it's better than the one time I had to fly down to FL for a conference and forgot underwear.

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