Saturday, August 23, 2008

Mishaps and Misfortunes

We finally got back to the apartment. We came up the backstairs into the kitchen, which was filled with delicious treasures. B and Evan had cleaned out the cupboards, the fridge, and anywhere else they had secretly stashed food. Everything was sitting on the counter, waiting for a loving home.

They sent out an SOS to friends nearby, who came over to get "Free Food." Two came with the intention to gather handfuls or only enough for that night's dinner. Instead, thanks to tag-team salesman skills, they left with 5 paper bags full of food and supplies.

"Oh? You got a new grill? You know what would impress the ladies? Some delicious marinated chicken. Oh wait, here's some balsamic vinegar. You can use that on chicken."

"Why waste time making dinner when you can whip up amazing pancakes from this opened, partially empty, Bisquick box? Don't worry, the exposure to air means the pancakes will be extra fluffy. And delicious."

"I know what it's like to be vegetarian. Sometimes it's hard to get all the protein you need. Take this bottle of Ranch dressing. That's better than vitamins."

I think the only things we weren't able to get rid of were household cleansers, a jar of jalapeno jelly (which I talked them out of taking because I secretly wanted it), a roll of aluminum foil, and boxes of tampons. We wrote "Free Surprises!" on the paper bags and brought them down into the courtyard of their apartment building. And left it as a reward/treasure for others to find.

Seriously. If you came home from a busy day and you were stressed out, wouldn't you be happy to find a free box of tampons?

Later, B and I went to Loyola's campus for a photo shoot. Mainly, we took hundreds of pictures of the two of us posing, pretending to be fashion models. We took breaks (modeling is hard work) to watch this girl run around on the track. Since Loyola's a smaller school, the track is two lanes. This girl went with an older woman and all of a sudden yelled, "START" and took off running.

She sprinted probably the straight away, and as soon as she got to the curve, was struggling. Everytime she ran by the older woman, she would yell "TIME!" It was a very husky voice. I couldn't tell if she had a naturally deep voice or if she was just hoarse from her labored breathing. I think it took her like 25 minutes to run a mile.

This inspired a sense of curiousity and wonder in us. Later, B would show me her Adam's apple. It's subtle and apparently, a source of her deep voice.

a) I am pretty sure there's no Adam's apple. I think she was just trying to get me to look down her shirt. Or get me to freak out Evan.
b) She does NOT have a deep voice. I have heard many women with deeper voices. One of which I once mistook for a man on the phone and referred to her as "Mr."
c) That's nothing. One time, at an internship at an unnamed and unknown Government location, a woman came in to fix my computer. She was wearing a jersey that said "Baby" and had a rotund body shape. I figured the limitations of stylish and affordable maternity wear was the reason for her jersey dress. I congradulated her on her baby. Awkward silence. "You must have me mistaken for someone else." Awk.ward.

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