Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Obscure Asian sport = I win!

A friend of mine challenged me to a duel. She insisted that I could pick any sport involving a ball and that she would be a difficult and devious competitor. My first instinct was ping pong. I don't know why. I've never been very good at sports that involve swinging an object at a ball. With ping pong, I instinctively try to hit the other person with the ball. In tennis, I instinctively try to hit the ball over the court fence. And in baseball/softball, I close my eyes and swing as hard as I can, which occasionally causes the bat to flee from my hands. Obvi ping pong is not the best idea.

Which led me to the grandest of all obscure Asian sports... sepak takraw!

As you can clearly see, sepak takraw is an intense combination of skill, prowress, and sheer grit. None of which I have. It is also a mix of volleyball and soccer, neither of which I've played. My friend was a varsity athlete in both sports. I don't think I even know the difference between a volleyball and a soccer ball. One is black and white, like a panda.

Long story short, I am banking on sheer luck to win.

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