Saturday, February 7, 2009

JJ Dinner

I am currently in Richmond at the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner. Bill Clinton spoke, and let me tell you, that man is like a delicious scotch. Smooth, woody, greater with age, and I would take a shot of him to the face.

Different candidates are speaking. Lt. Governor candidates submitted these videos of themselves. One of the women reminds me of the Contessa from the Real Housewives of NYC. She seems kind of sassy and ready to knife someone.

The candidates for governor all get to speak for like 15 minutes. Terry McAuliffe had tons of supporters, all of them waving signs and glow sticks. I don't know where these glow sticks came from, but I am pretty sure they are not environmentally friendly and not a good use of money. Unless they are leftover from a police drug bust at a rave. Are raves still even a real thing? I thought they were a way to rebel against Backstreet Boys concerts.

Brian Moran... Hahahahaha I can't stop laughing. His commercial was awful because he had clearly gone to a tanning bed and gone overboard. Bright red with a pale mask around his eyes from where the tanning glasses were.

"Virginia needs a fighter, not a fundraiser."
"It's a one thing to say you're going to be like Tim Kaine and Mark Warner. It's another to have been here, fighting Republicans."
"I am going to beat Bob McConnell... Like a drum."
"A woman's right to choose does not mean a right to choose her college."

And many other classic one-liners.

Right now Creigh Deeds is speaking. It's kind of sad because I think a lot of people have counted him out. His kids introduced him, and it was kind of cute. Except they told this completely bizarre story of Deeds pulling over for eight cats. And then they ran off and he chased them into the woods. It was supposed to show how much he cares about... Things?

Also, this coffee tastes like sugar water. Not delicious.

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