Thursday, October 9, 2008

I'm in love with a stripper

I have failed in so many aspects.

Updating this blog after Vegas: F
Not selling out: F

But on the upside, I have continued to succeed where it matters. I'm still often confused as a lady who will "play" for pay. It doesn't help that in the past week alone, I've somehow found myself in the company of stripper poles and naked women.

There's a bar/restaurant that has great happy hour deals a block from where I work. I met a friend there for drinks and dinner after work. We were catching up when the the lights dimmed and loud, awful music (read: Avril) started to blast. A man in a suit came over to our table and, very politely, told us that at 8, the bar/restaurant became a gentlemen's club.

As we were finishing up and waiting for the check, the ladies started to come in. I have never seen a more diverse group of women. I saw ladies dressed as a cowboy, a cop, a hobo, etc. It really showed me that my gender doesn't limit me, and if I put my mind to it, I can be anything I want to be.

Then last night, in an effort to help NOVA fundraise, I was coerced into visiting a "restaurant" to ask for a raffle donation. This time, the ladies weren't dressed as anything. In fact, many of them weren't dressed at all. One was even making out with herself in the mirror. I mean, I understand if you find yourself attractive, but making out with your reflection is one step below making out with your hand (which I totally stopped doing sophomore year of college*). I didn't get the donation and I'm pretty sure he wanted to offer me a job. Thank goodness the muscle I brought along took care of that.

*by "sophomore year of college" I actually mean "last year, when I graduated"

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